Thursday, June 16, 2011

Heremaia partly cloudy

today we watch a movie called partly-Cloudy
the characters are cloudy and the storks
the setting is in the cloud
It starts when the storks come and drop of some little baby kids,dogs and kittens
the main action is when the stok has to deliver the dangeros baby
how the movie endes-the movie ended when the stork comes back with armor
my rating I give is a 10/10 because I liked it when the puppy jumped in to the cloud and came out

Heremaia tallest tower

On the first day of term 2 we got told how to build a tower out of paper. The paper was thin, we had one pair of scissors and tap and one glue stick, that was all we had. We couldn’t go back for some tap if we had all ready used up all of our tape. You couldn’t ask for some more so it was quite a challenge.